Tax Forms

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Tax Forms

*All Forms Must Be Signed and Sent In, No forms maybe completed or requested over the Phone! Forms maybe sent in via Postal Mail at 5304 N Broadway, Hinton,OK 73047, by Fax at (405) 542-2949 or via Email;

Tax Form FAQs

Tax Forms must be re-printed by the Casino/Revenue Accounting Dept 5304 N. Broadway, Hinton, OK 73047 Phone: (405) 542-2946 Fax: (405) 542-2949 or via Email at

A Win/Loss statement is a report that provides an estimated play (amount of money that is won and loss) for the calendar year based when your Sugar Creek Casino Rewards Club card is properly inserted into the gaming device during play. Must be a Sugar Creek Casino Rewards Club member.


• A Win/Loss Statement only reflects the activity of gaming play while properly using the Players Club card.

• W2-G is Reportable Gambling Winnings of $1,200 or more to the IRS (i.e. Machine Jackpots).

• 1099-MISC is Reportable Accumulative Promotional Winnings of $600 or more within a calendar year to the IRS (i.e. Promotional Drawings, etc.)

Note: Sugar Creek Casino is not responsible for reporting and tracking individual wagering and gaming beyond the W2-G and 1099-MISC required by the Internal Revenue Service.

“Win/Loss Statement Request” form must be completed prior to receiving a Win/Loss Statement. Original paperwork must be submitted to the Players Club, Emailed, Faxed or Mailed to the Casino. Verbal requests will NOT be granted.

Win/Loss Statements, W-9, & 1099-Misc Forms can be obtained through the three methods listed below:

• Downloaded from the Sugar Creek Casino website at

• Email a request to


  ‣ Subject: Statement Request

  ‣ Attached the request form on the link above. 
Please note whether you would like the forms sent via email or mailed.

If a patron does not have access to internet, a request can be made in person at the Players Club.

No, Sugar Creek Casino can only track a player’s win/loss activity when the card is properly inserted into the gaming device during play.

Approximately 7 – 10 business days.

Please consult your tax advisor for advice on reporting gambling winnings and/or losses.